Ancient Burying Ground – Summer TTEC Tour – DATE CHANGE!

Discover Hartford’s past in the oldest-surviving colonial site, founded in 1640. View the iconography and artwork that typifies the styles and techniques of the day, from death’s head skulls to winged angels. Find out about the early settlers who walked from Boston to settle Hartford; the people who established laws and government and also persecuted accused “witches”. Follow the trail of how the colonists created a center of power in the colonial government through agriculture, trade, and commerce. Hear new stories from hidden histories just uncovered about the lives of Native, African, and African American people who lived in Hartford.

TTEC is offering a free for TTEC members only event on Thursday, September 12 @ 12 – 1 PM. Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have to change from Tuesday, August 27th! This event is limited to 20 people.

We will be meeting at 11:55 AM at the corner of Gold and Main Streets (across from Fishman Plaza).

Please reach out to Jessica Hyde-Cadogan ( if you are interested in participating in this event.

Thank you and looking forward to seeing you.

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