Back to the Future @ the Bushnell – June 4-8

When Marty McFly finds himself transported back to 1955 in a time machine built by the eccentric scientist Doc Brown, he accidentally changes the course of history.  Now he’s in a race against time to fix the present, escape the past, and send himself… back to the future. When Back to the Future hits 88mph, it’ll change musical theatre history forever.  TTEC has reserved REAR ORCHESTRA tickets to three performances to be held in the Bushnell Mortensen Hall.  Wednesday, June 4th @ 7:30PM tickets are $89 for TTEC members and $110.75 for guests; Friday, June 6th @ 7:30PM tickets are $93 for TTEC members and $116.25 for guests and Sunday, June 8th @ 6:30PM tickets are $89 for TTEC members and $110.75 for guests(prices include a surcharge from the Bushnell).  We must sell a minimum of 10 tickets to receive this discounted rate.  If we do not reach the minimum, the price could increase.   Each member may purchase one ticket at the member price.  Any additional tickets must be purchased at the guest price.  Please fill out the generic coupon and send it along with your check made payable to “TTEC” to TTEC, 1GS, Attn: Back to the Future (If you are mailing your request from outside of the company, please mail to: Travelers Insurance Co., One Tower Square, Hartford, CT 06183 Attn: TTEC, 1GS, Back to the Future) The deadline to reserve your tickets is Friday, April 4th.


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