TTEC Chess Club

Chess is growing quickly! The pandemic lockdown and Netflix’s The Queen’s Gambit contributed to a growth in chess that has not been seen in the USA in decades. There are over 600 million chess players in the world and chess is recognized as a sport by the International Olympic Committee. A World Champion is crowned every 2 years. Chess is a game where you never stop learning, but that’s what makes it so rewarding: it’s a lifelong sport.

The TTEC Chess Club is both an online chess club and an in-person over-the-board club. The online portion of the club plays on where we post our puzzles and host our tournaments. LiChess offers many resources for improving your game.

We meet on a regular basis online as well as in-person at The Exchange near the Link in Hartford. We welcome players of all levels.

Come join the fun of learning and competing in the most popular board game in the World.

Please contact Roger Bessette (, Scott Sauyet ( or John Rothert ( to sign up and get instructions.

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